Build a Madressah

“Whoever builds a Masjid for Allah, then Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise.” [Bukhari, Muslim]

Whilst carriying out humanitarian work in various countries, we come across many communities who are having to make do with Masaajid that are leaking, collapsing or too small. Some don’t even have a place to worship, and due to poverty, building a Masjid is often beyond their means.

This is your chance to build for yourself a house in Jannah.


Mosque construction


The Madressah project is a means of Sadaqah Jariyah (continuous charity) so whoever contributes will continue to earn rewards for every prayer in any Madressah they have helped to build.

Donations can be on behalf of others, a deceased relative, for example, or for yourself.

If you would like to finance a complete Madressah as a family or group, please call us.

Madressah Ar Rahman: Liberia. West Africa. Madressah construction