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SSP North Ghana 2017

The Self Sustaining or Self Supporting Projects (SSP) are an important part of what Caravan of Mercy is all about. We have for many years been using your generous donations to improve the lives of families in India and Bangladesh. We have now started our humanitarian efforts in West Africa as well.

Caravan of Mercy used your donations in Northern Ghana in order to help poor widows and other single women who do not have a bred winner to support them and their families. They were given approximately £150 each as gifts, on your your behalf, so that she could start their own businesses according to the fields they were most confident in.

This lady used her money to start her dry foods selling business.

This lady purchased a fridge to store food for her business of selling drinks.

Some women where given sewing machines and cloth to earn money as a seamstress.

These women were given grain to sell.

This lady invested her money in buckets in order to sell them to the public.

This lady purchased second hand clothing to sell.

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Ivory Coast Ramadhan 1438

Caravan of Mercy has been very busy this Ramadahan 1438 in delivering your food donations in West Africa. The photos below show the fruits of your generosity in the Ivory Coast during June 2017.
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Liberia blessed with both food and rain this Ramadhaan

Another successful food distribution took place in Liberia, West Africa. The distribution took place over a few days starting from 11th June 2017 in the month of Ramadhan 1438. Funds were raised in the UK by COM while the distribution was headed by brother Ibrahim of COM Ghana, West Africa.
This humanitarian work was hampered slightly by heavy rain but Ibrahim and his helpers persevered and eventually completed their task. Many food packages were distributed amongst residents in different parts of Monrovia, the capital of Liberia.
Many of the Muslims in Liberia are very poor and deprived. Unemployment is rife and large numbers of families are virtually homeless displaced by years of war. Many of the recipients were widows and orphans who were extremely grateful for the food donations. COM visted some areas where the poor and needy had never experienced aid before and were very glad to receive food to break their fast in Ramadhan.
The situation in Liberia is bad and although many people benefited this Ramadhan, after Ramadhan they will be hungry again, so please continue to give.