Only 17 Days left to get your donations in for the Winter Blanket Appeal.
£8 for a blanket in Syria
£5 for a blanket in Bangladesh and West Bengal
Lillah, Sadaqah Zakat Accepted
Donate now >>
or call 0116 276 3344
Only 17 Days left to get your donations in for the Winter Blanket Appeal.
£8 for a blanket in Syria
£5 for a blanket in Bangladesh and West Bengal
Lillah, Sadaqah Zakat Accepted
Donate now >>
or call 0116 276 3344
Imagine surviving the cold winter in a house with very little to keep you warm.
Donate a Blanket to keep someone warm this winter.
£8 for a Blanket in Syria
£5 for a Blanket in Bangladesh and West Bengal
Donate now >>
or call 0116 2763344
We heard this beautiful Hadeeth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and it made us think of the blanket for Syria appeal that we are running.
The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, “A Muslim is a brother of (another) Muslim, he neither wrongs him nor does hand him over to one who does him wrong. If anyone fulfills his brother’s needs, Allah will fulfill his needs; if one relieves a Muslim of his troubles, Allah will relieve his troubles on the Day of Resurrection” (Bukhari, Muslim)
Donate for a Blanket to keep someone warm this winter.
£8 for a Blanket in Syria
£5 for a Blanket in Bangladesh and West Bengal.
Donate on the right >>
Or why not call us on 0116 2763344
[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/O1DEen2n4vo?list=UUbCcWwbz9b-C4xK9i2PZErA”]
To donate your Zakat, Lillah, Sadaqah Click Here or call 0116 2763344
Your donated blankets are being distributed as of January 21st to the Syrian refugees.
The Winter season is upon us again, making Syrian life even more difficult than it already is. Caravan of Mercy has just (13th December 20130) sent a container of clothing for men, women and children along with food. We further intend to send blankets and food later this month (December 22nd) to the Syrian refugees and other needy people in this war stricken country.
We are therefore appealing to the British public to donate at least one blanket each. Every blanket will cost the donor £10 and will be purchased near to the Syrian border.
Note: We are collecting funds only, we are not collecting blankets.
All donations need to be made before 31st December 2013.
Please also donate for food parcels at £30 per parcel.
Types of donation:
Lillah, Sadaqah, Zakaat
Ways to donate:
Phone 0116 2763344 to make a card payment.
Online card payment (click here)
Visiting our Leicester office; Unit 1, Imperial Building, Rolleston Street, Leicester, LE5 3ST
Text BLAN22 £10 to 70070 to donate a blanket. Lillah only.
Text HAMP22 £30 to 70070 to donate a food hamper. Lillah only.
(The amount of money donated by mobile phone text can be more if you choose. £10 and £30 are minImum figures).
From the blog: ‘He added that it was also difficult, “trying to locate and get to the most isolated people in this conflict.”
“The worst feeling is when, after so much distribution, the food would run out, yet people would still be queuing up waiting, almost begging for a bit of food so that they can feed their families.”’ Taken from the blog. CLICK HERE FOR MORE
A video message from children of Syria (click on image below):
[video-item url=”https://youtu.be/MLvGFnt77N8” width=”400″ height=”250″][/video-item]
Atmeh camp tents (October 2013)
8th October
‘We are all well. Arrived in Reyhanli (Turkey/ Syrian border) this morning at 3.30am very tired. Got up at 10:00am and had breakfast. It is now 10:25am. We will be leaving shortly to check out a new warehouse where we can store and pack food, where it is safe.’
We are still accepting donations and Qurbani/ Udhiya payments.
COM volunteers will be visiting Syria in order to deliver your donations of food on the 7th of October 2013
5th July. The group that went to Syria, have now returned after distributing food and aid to the refugees and other impoverished Syrians. Another trip to Syria is currently being planned due to the extensive suffering endured by the people there.
24th July. Seven volunteers are planning to return to Syria. This trip is set to take place this coming Sunday (28th July 2013) in order to deliver food to the refugees there, some of whom are currently suffering from starvation. This will be our 2nd Ramadhan trip making it 3 visits this year due to the dire conditions faced by the Syrian civilians. We only have a few days to raise funds from the public in order to provide food hampers for 5,000 families.
28th June. The van reached yesterday and is due to cross the border very soon. Your kindly donated money has been used to purchase food which has been loaded onto trucks, ready to be delivered to the warehouse and then distributed to the desperate refugees.
24th June. The ambulance/van has left yesterday 23rd June. It has been loaded with medical aid, sewing machines and computers, a wheelchair, a stretcher, nappies, sanitary towels, crutches, and jerry cans. 3 volunteers are driving this van and will use your donations to purchase food for the refugees when they get to the Turkish/ Syrian border. They are due to arrive there Thursday morning.
A van is due to be sent from the UK to Syria later this month (June 2013). Three volunteers will drive the van laden with medical stuffs. The exact departure date has been scheduled for 23th June. Mechanical work is being performed on the van to make it reliable and suitable for it’s duties in Syria. The van will be used for a variety of duties including it’s role as an ambulance. Three or more charity workers from Peterborough, UK will fly to Turkey and meet the newly arrived van at the Syrian border.
For photos of last visit to Syria, Click here and here.
After a visit to Syria earlier this year by Caravan of Mercy volunteers, with a container of food, clothing, blankets and medical aid, it was decided that much more was needed. The condition of the Syrian refugees is still dire inspite of their positive spirits. A second trip has been planned very soon and at least 2 volunteers will take a van to the Atmeh refugee camp (on the Turkish/ Syrian border). The van will be filled with aid and will be left at the camp to be used as an ambulance.
For detailed reports on the last visit, see the official Caravan of Mercy blog.
To make an online donation with your credit card etc. please click here.
To make a donation by phone or to find out more, please phone 0116 2763344.