Ghana is a poor country located in the West of Africa. In April 2023, our Ghanaian partners visited areas where clean water for bathing, cooking and drinking is often difficult to find. We undertook humanitarian work in east Savannah, one of the poorer parts of the country, to distribute aid to towns such as Shishipe, Nkwanta, Matlapor, Mabunge and Idepe.
Thanks to your kind donations, we were able to spend £10,000 which was used to provide food and water to 320 families during Ramadan.
£8,850 food
£1,000 drinking water
£150 travelling expenses
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) was asked “Which is the best form of charity?” He (Peace be upon him) replied “Providing drinking water”. Ibn Majah)
208 water pumps & bore holes have been installed in India (West Bengal) in the last year. Almost 1,400 water pumps have been installed in Bangladesh in the last year.
Did you know 748 Million people in the world don’t have access to safe drinking water? That’s roughly one in ten of the world`s population. Our hand-pumps in Bangladesh and India, are installed in areas where there are sometimes flooding. If the holes are not deep enough then the water quality is often too poor for drinking, so for this reason the holes differ in depth and therefore price.
The Crisis
Water is an essential resource of life, yet millions around the world still don’t have access to clean water. One of the most common causes of death in the developing world is drinking dirty and diseased water. Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation causes 80% of diseases and kills more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.
Over 500,000 children die every year from diarrhea caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation.
Our Approach
Caravan of Mercy aims to play an active part in trying to provide safe clean water around the world. We aim to achieve this by installing hand pumps and boreholes in those areas that are most in need. We are also looking to install a purification plant in Ghana.
With your donations we have already installed more than 1000 hand pumps and boreholes in Africa and Asia.
Will You Help?
You can help by donating towards our Drink Safe Water Appeal.
Providing water in is a very good way of offering a Sadaqah Jariyah (continuous charity) as the donor can expect to reap Allah’s blessings for as long as the well supplies water.
Support the water project with your donations.
Caravan of Mercy UK raise funds to install hand pumps in India. These are maintained by our partners MUEWT (Misbar Uloom Education Welfare Trust, West Bengal).
In Ghana and the Gambia we have our own staff and offices who install and maintain pumps. In Bangladesh we have our partner (Mufti Abdul Aziz) to install and maintain the pumps.