Caravan of Mercy donors benefited many poor Muslim families throughout Ghana, India, Cameroon, Bangladesh and Syria this year.
Central African Republic victims in Borgop refugee camp in Cameroon on Eid day 10 Dhul Haj 1438 Hijra. (1st Sep 2017).
2800 families received fresh Udhiya/ Qurabani meat Alhamdu lillah.
250 families were served with fresh Udhiya meat Alhamdu lillah.
3 Cows and 7 Goats
5 goats, 1 cow
About 92 people received fresh Udhiya meat Alhamdu lillah.
30,000 people received fresh Udhiya meat Alhamdu lillah.
The following photos are from Cameroon. Eid day 10 Dhul Haj 1438 Hijra. (1st Sep 2017)
Another successful food distribution took place in Liberia, West Africa. The distribution took place over a few days starting from 11th June 2017 in the month of Ramadhan 1438. Funds were raised in the UK by COM while the distribution was headed by brother Ibrahim of COM Ghana, West Africa.
This humanitarian work was hampered slightly by heavy rain but Ibrahim and his helpers persevered and eventually completed their task. Many food packages were distributed amongst residents in different parts of Monrovia, the capital of Liberia.
Many of the Muslims in Liberia are very poor and deprived. Unemployment is rife and large numbers of families are virtually homeless displaced by years of war. Many of the recipients were widows and orphans who were extremely grateful for the food donations. COM visted some areas where the poor and needy had never experienced aid before and were very glad to receive food to break their fast in Ramadhan.
The situation in Liberia is bad and although many people benefited this Ramadhan, after Ramadhan they will be hungry again, so please continue to give.
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Let’s Not Forget The Ummah This Ramadhan.
Caravan of Mercy will be providing food packs to struggling families in 9 countries. Thousands of families in Syria, Yemen, Ghana, Gambia, Bangladesh and India will receive assistance.
For the first time this Ramadhan Caravan of Mercy intends to support families in Central Africa Republic, Liberia and Ivory coast
£30 will provide a family a food pack.
£5 will provide a family in Ghana with pure water for the whole month of Ramadhan.
Donate your Zakat, Sadaqah and Lillah and support families this Ramadhan
Whoever feeds a fasting person will have reward like that of the fasting person, without any reduction in his reward. [Sunan at Tirmidhi]
Donate now >>
or call 0116 2763344
Let’s Not Forget The Ummah This Ramadhan
[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/O1DEen2n4vo?list=UUbCcWwbz9b-C4xK9i2PZErA”]
To donate your Zakat, Lillah, Sadaqah Click Here or call 0116 2763344
It is now even easier to donate to your favourite cause. We have set up a mobile phone texting method of giving donations using JustTextGiving by Vodafone.
All you do is save this special texting phone number (70070) into your phones contacts list or just type it into the text messaging (SMS) option on your mobile phone. Then type the 6 figure message code along with the donation amount and ‘send’ this message to 70070. Your donation will appear on your next phone bill and Caravan of Mercy will be paid on your behalf.
We have a different 6 figure message code for each appeal. All text donations are Lillah only. If you wish to use Zakaat or Sadaqah etc. you should use other payment methods (ie. online, phone or in person)
Text donations for the Qur’an project can be made by texting the message QRAN01 £3 to the number 70070 if you want to donate £3 using your mobile phone (lillah only). Change the amount from £3 according to your desire.
For the Syria blanket appeal, text BLAN22 £10 to 70070 (Lillah only)
For the Syria food hamper appeal, text HAMP22 £30 to 70070 (Lillah only)
For the Dawah Pack appeal, text COME11 £5 to 70070 (Lillah only)
For the Syria appeal, text COME00 £20 to 70070 (Lillah only)
To donate to any needy cause, text CRVN01 £20 to 70070 (Lillah only)
For any project according to the need decided by CoM, text LILL44 £5 to 70070 (Lillah only)
The amount of £’s you wish to donate is up to you. The above figures are just an example.
Text to donate to Caravan of Mercy and make a difference today.