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Eid Message 2014


On behalf of Caravan of Mercy trustees, staff, volunteers, and beneficiaries worldwide, we would like to wish you and your family Eid Mubarak! In sha’ Allah this Eid will bring you and your family the best in Eman, health, and prosperity. Ameen

It is during these times of celebration that we must also remember our poor and needy brothers and sisters worldwide, so that they may also celebrate with us.

If you have not yet donated your Zakat, Lillah, Sadaqah and Sadaqah Fitr then please click here to donate

Once again, Eid Mubarak to you and your family.

Caravan Of Mercy,

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Masjid Abrar Update (Ghana):

‘Alhamdulillah, Masjid Abrar is the only masjid in the area where Jumu’ah Salaat is offered. Also it is the only Islamic information centre of its kind in the region if not the country where there is an after school and weekend madrassah, Islamic library etc.
At the moment there is construction going on to extend the building as we have more students on our waiting list who don’t have a place due to insufficient classrooms and on Friday the place is not big enough to contain the people that turn up for Jumu’ah Salaah.
The Islamic information centre is also actively involved in the efforts of Dawah, distribution of Quraan, Islamic literature books /leaflets etc. and other Islamic activities that will benefit the Ummah. After the construction the Masjid will be able to take about 500 or more people and there will be a Hifz class. InshAllah

This was an update from brother Ibrahim in our Caravan of Mercy office in Ghana regarding our project there.

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Serrekundading, Gambia; washed out

Al Hamdulillah, Caravan of Mercy has a number of humanitarian and charitable projects in different parts of the Gambia. Such projects include child and adult education, food, clothing and Quran distribution and building projects.

Serrekundading is a village located east of Brikama next to Kembujae. Caravan of Mercy has been supporting the Serrekundading public through it’s Madressah since it was established six years ago. Sadly this Madressah has since collapsed.

The Madressah once housed 200 students from Serrekundading and surrounding villages and was the only one of it’s kind in the area.
The Madressah was made up of two classrooms, one office and a store-room, all financed and constructed by the locals with mud bricks. The roofing and doors were provided by Caravan of Mercy. The ages of the children taught there ranged from 7 to 15 years. They were tutored by 4 teachers who taught them Quran and Islamic subjects as well as English language, mathematics, science and social and environmental studies.

During the annual rain season in 2013, the region experienced such torrential rain falls that utterly destroyed the Madressah.

The locals are now desperate to have a new stronger building erected to fulfill their basic religious needs. A building that can withstand both the heat and heavy down-pours of rain.

The proposed Madressah building is estimated to cost £15,000.

Caravan of Mercy are therefore seeking donations in order to help the Gambians in Serrekundading.

Click on the video below to play video:



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Bangladesh aid update:

Sirajganj is a town in the North-Bengal region of Bangladesh. With the help of the local university; Jamiatul Uloom Al-Islamia, Caravan of Mercy are regular donors to the poor and needy in this area. Through your generous donations, we have distributed 650 blankets and installed 40 hand pumps since Ramadhan 1434 (2013).

Although Bangladesh is known for it’s problems with flooding , ie. no one can say they don’t get enough water, much of their water supply is harmful for human consumption. This means that many miles have to be walked in order to find clean water. Caravan of Mercy encourage donors to donate wells in such places for £150. Each well will support an entire community. Due to the cold temperatures during some parts of the year, we also supply blankets to families.
Due to the present political crisis in Bangladesh, we have only received 25 photos which will be used to create certificates for the donors here in the UK. The remaining certificates are  due to be created soon Inshallah.
Photo of blanket distribution from the previous year
Blanket distribution
Video of water projects in Bangladesh and other countries.
[video-item url=”” width=”400″ height=”250″][/video-item]

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Text donations

It is now even easier to donate to your favourite cause. We have set up a mobile phone texting method of giving donations using JustTextGiving by Vodafone.
All you do is save this special texting phone number (70070) into your phones contacts list or just type it into the text messaging (SMS) option on your mobile phone. Then type the 6 figure message code along with the donation amount and ‘send’ this message to 70070. Your donation will appear on your next phone bill and Caravan of Mercy will be paid on your behalf.
We have a different 6 figure message code for each appeal. All text donations are Lillah only. If you wish to use Zakaat or Sadaqah etc. you should use other payment methods (ie. online, phone or in person)

Text donations for the Qur’an project can be made by texting the message QRAN01 £3 to the number 70070 if you want to donate £3 using your mobile phone (lillah only). Change the amount from £3 according to your desire.
For the Syria blanket appeal, text BLAN22 £10 to 70070 (Lillah only)
For the Syria food hamper appeal, text HAMP22 £30 to 70070 (Lillah only)
For the Dawah Pack appeal, text COME11 £5 to 70070 (Lillah only)
For the Syria appeal, text COME00 £20 to 70070 (Lillah only)
To donate to any needy cause, text CRVN01 £20 to 70070 (Lillah only)
For any project according to the need decided by CoM, text LILL44 £5 to 70070 (Lillah only)

The amount of £’s you wish to donate is up to you. The above figures are just an example.
Text to donate to Caravan of Mercy and make a difference today.

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Dawah West Africa

There is much ignorance of Islam yet a thirst for the truth in West Africa. We have gathered some very good articles and reprinted them especially for this appeal. Caravan of Mercy UK has created a Dawah pack, consisting of booklets, folded leaflets and an English translation of the Quran. These packs will be distributed by the Islamic Information Centre (Ghana) an arm of Caravan of Mercy Ghana.
Each pack will cost approximately £5 and we are appealing to the public to donate Lillah to this cause.

It is reported that the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him Said:
“By Allah, if Allah were to guide one man through you it would be better for you than the best type of camels.”
(Bukhari, Muslim)

• Donate online using your credit/ debit card.
• Phone 0116 276 3344 or phone 07752 247 994 to make a credit or debit card payment.
• Visit or send a cheque to our office (see below)

Booklet titles:
Islam a brief guide
The big questions
The Sahabah: the unique Quranic generation
What was the sign of Jonah
Knowledge of the unseen
Siyam (fasting)
Moses, Jesus, Muhammad (pbuh)
Shahada: Confession of a Muslim
Ash-Shirk and Al-Kufr
Signs of the last day
What the bible says about Muhammad (pbuh)
The Quran and modern science
Some prominent westerner
The sword of Islam
What the bible says about Muhammad
Miracles of the Quran
Selected Duas
Salaah, the Muslim prayer
The concept of God in major religions
Islam at a glance
Answers to non-Muslims’ common questions about islam
Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam
Muhammad, A to Z
The life of the prophet (pbuh)
A Muslim portrayal of Jesus
What does Islam say about marriage
Position of women in Islam
The tradition of Gabriel

Leaflet titles:
The Mercy of Allah
Who was Muhammad
Facts about Usury
The Islamic view on the prohibition of alcohol
The Qurans scientific accuracy (Revert scientists)
Adultery and fornication
Muslim at the time of death
The halal slaughter controversy
Al Quran at a glance
Malcolm X
You must know this man
Life after death
Hijab, reflections by Muslim women
The last sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Who was Jesus
Why don’t you pray?

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Thanks to your donations we are able to find poor girls who are looking for a husband. Their family find them a similar man and we give them clothing for the Nikah (wedding) as well as essentials to help start a home such as pots and pans, bedding, a bucket, suitcase, footwear etc.

The young couple are also given tools to help them earn a living. The young men are given either a cycle rickshaw to be used as a taxi or cycle rickshaw designed to carry goods. Or they could be given a boat to start them earning a livelihood. The girls may be given a sewing machine with training on the basics of tailoring. Without the training, they may give up and sell the sewing machine.

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Gambia Hifz Class

Caravan Of Mercy has established a Hafiz Sponsorship in Kuntaur, Gambia to help orphans and destitute children. The sponsored children will be provided with food, clothing and medicine. We will even update you on how your child is progressing, so help a child today to become a Hafiz.

Each donation per child is £25 a month.

Please contact us to make a donation or use the donate page to a donation for £300 (1 years payment).

Hifz class of Gambian orphans 2013
Kuntaur makhtab