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Bangladesh Floods food distribution July 14

Already flooded this year, people in the lowlands and swamp areas of Sunamganj are seeing fresh flooding again due to heavy rainfall and water from upstream. 183mm of rainfall has so far been recorded.

Floodwaters have entered the lowlands of Sunamganj, affecting livestock and damaging crops and roads.

Caravan of Mercy has already sent £60,000 in aid to the area and aims to send more. We have been distributing food, safe drinking water, and shelter equipment for flood-affected families.

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Bangladesh Floods July 13

Already flooded this year, people in the lowlands and swamp areas of Sunamganj are seeing fresh flooding again due to heavy rainfall and water from upstream. 183mm of rainfall has so far been recorded.

Floodwaters have entered the lowlands of Sunamganj, affecting livestock and damaging crops and roads.

Caravan of Mercy has already sent £60,000 in aid to the area and aims to send more. We have been distributing food, safe drinking water, and shelter equipment for flood-affected families.

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High water reaches the roofs of Sunamganj

The floods throughout Bangladesh including Sunamganj have devastated crops and local communities. During this month of August 2017, many homes have been damaged due to the high water levels, especially in the area in which Sunamganj is located. Alhamdulillah, people are now receiving aid from charities such as Caravan of Mercy as well as noticing that the floods are finally receding.

Caravan of Mercy are very active in providing aid in Sunamganj thanks to our agents there at the

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Blanket Appeal Re-opened!

Due to an increased demand Caravan Of Mercy has re-opened the Winter Blanket Appeal.
You & your friends have a few more weeks to donate & raise funds.

A small team (a Caravan Of Mercy trustee & a volunteer) are leaving for Syria on the 14th of December to distribute blankets.
They will be updating us all with live pictures & videos.

Caravan Of Mercy office staff are going to spend the night outside in empathy of those experiencing
the bitter cold.

For more details and to join them, register your interest by sending an email to

#‎sleepout‬ ‪#‎blanketforsyria‬