ASIGA school project here..
Water projects here..
Author: comadmin
Rohingya refugees in Bangaldesh

Caravan of Mercy in partnership with ISSA Foundation, Blackburn, UK. Distributed different items (Food Parcel, Sets of Pots for cooking, Tents, Blankets etc) in a number of Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh. This event happened during October 2017.
We are now collecting necessary donations for our 2nd trip to the Rohingya refugees during early December 2017. DONATE NOW
Family Pack for distribution December 2017 (x 3,000 packs)
Plastic Sheet 8m x 8m, Plastic Mat, Chatai 5ft x 7 ft, Mosquito Net, Plastic Bucket, Plastic Plates, Plastic Water Cups, Plastic Water jug, Washing Powder, Washing Soap, Bathing Soap
Family Food Pack for distribution December 2017 (x 5,000 packs)
Rice, oil, Sugar, Daal (Lentils), Flattened Rice, Salt, Onions, Potatoes, Biscuits, Oral Saline, Milk Powder
Infant/ Baby Pack for distribution December 2017 (x 3,000 packs)
Lactogen Baby Milk, Cerelac Baby Feed, Baby Feeding Bottle, Baby Bowl & Spoon
Blankets (x 5,000 packs) for distribution December 2017
Medicine (x 5,000 packs) for distribution December 2017
Quran, Amma Para, Noorani Qaidah (x 30,000 packs) for distribution December 2017
Leda camp 16th 17th 18th October 2017 (completed)
-750 blankets
-1,000 food parcels
-Sheets 4,000
-Medical camp medicine 1 week – 10 days (£3,500 worth)
-Pots and spoons 2,000
Barmapara camp: 15th October 2017 (completed)
3,000 food parcels
Cash tokens £1,000
Noyapara camp: October 2017 (completed)
2,000 food parcels
Photos below show the extent of our previous distributions to the refugees during October 2017
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Eidul Adha 1438/ 2017

Caravan of Mercy donors benefited many poor Muslim families throughout Ghana, India, Cameroon, Bangladesh and Syria this year.
Central African Republic victims in Borgop refugee camp in Cameroon on Eid day 10 Dhul Haj 1438 Hijra. (1st Sep 2017).
2800 families received fresh Udhiya/ Qurabani meat Alhamdu lillah.
250 families were served with fresh Udhiya meat Alhamdu lillah.
3 Cows and 7 Goats
5 goats, 1 cow
About 92 people received fresh Udhiya meat Alhamdu lillah.
30,000 people received fresh Udhiya meat Alhamdu lillah.
The following photos are from Cameroon. Eid day 10 Dhul Haj 1438 Hijra. (1st Sep 2017)
High water reaches the roofs of Sunamganj

The floods throughout Bangladesh including Sunamganj have devastated crops and local communities. During this month of August 2017, many homes have been damaged due to the high water levels, especially in the area in which Sunamganj is located. Alhamdulillah, people are now receiving aid from charities such as Caravan of Mercy as well as noticing that the floods are finally receding.
Caravan of Mercy are very active in providing aid in Sunamganj thanks to our agents there at the
By car to CAR refugees

Humanitarian aid with Caravan of Mercy in Cameroon, West Africa, Ramadhan 1438/ June 2017 by Hamid AbuBakr, a brief account.
Brother Hamid was born in CAR and now lives with his wife and children in Leicester UK and has been a volunteer for Caravan of Mercy for 4 years, making humanitarian visits to Cameroon every year.
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274,000 refugees, mostly Muslim, have fled from their native Central African Republic (CAR). Almost all of them live in very poor conditions within isolated refugee camps throughout Cameroon.
Br. Hamid and Molana Ebrahim (head of CoM), traveled from Leicester UK to Birmingham UK airport. Their flight was to Istanbul (Turkey) with a final flight to Yaoundé Nsimalen International Airport, Cameroon.
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[placemark coordinates=”3.814756, 11.531260″ hint=”Yaoundé airport” placemark=”twirl#nightDotIcon”]
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The two CoM humanitarian volunteers spent 1 day in Yaoundé before they could board a 7:00pm train to Ngaoundéré (east Cameroon). This arduous train journey took around 14 hours.
The duo purchased food for the refugees in Ngaoundéré and then proceeded to load a rented truck which left before them for the Borgop refugee camp.
Hamid and Molana Ebrahim then took a car journey to go to Meiganga. From there they took another car 81 miles to the Borgop UN refugee camp and arrived the following day on Sunday at 2:00pm.
Distribution took 2 days.
There are 14,000 CAR refugees in the Borgop camp which is very small, over crowded and cut-off from everywhere else. The UN is supposed to support the camp residents but they didn’t receive food for 3 months. Some people couldn’t fast due to not having food to start and break their fast. The two CoM volunteers had purchased food to feed 1,500 people although they were faced with 14,000 needy people. Hamid AbuBakr stated that it was very hard for them to make a decision as to how to distribute the food. They made Mashourah (consultatiion) to break down the parcels so that more people could benefit from what they had. In the end they managed to feed 2,000- 2,500 hungry refugees.
Hamid said: “We slaughtered eight cows. Some people never ate [meat] since we gave them meat the same time last year.”
He further remarked: “It is very sad, you feel for them when you see how they live, the life over there. They are only depending on what Allah SWT and what people give them.”
Thanks to the CoM donors they were able to distribute rice, oil, sugar, tomatoes, pasta, onions and tea etc. around 10 different items to the needy CAR nationals.
Hamid added: “For last 4 years I have been going there, on the behalf of Caravan of Mercy, but this year I have found it to be completely different. And it is very very hard to make a decision because they have run out of food and the UN is not supporting them enough like the way they used to support them. At the moment the UN is only giving them cornflour, 15 kilos a month, so can you imagine 15 kilos of cornflour they have to just make that cornflour and dry it to become powder.” (Preparing cornflour is a 2 day process to make it into maize which they can finally cook with.)
“Alhamdullilah today we managed to give them rice, with rice it is much easier for them just to cook and for the children to eat. So we are trying our best by the help of Allah SWT and to support them and to give them at least food for a couple of days maybe for one week. And until that food is finished and then they go back to their normal life again, waiting for what Allah SWT provides them from our brothers and sisters from the UK, and [they] remember and send them their Zakaat, Sadaqat and Lillah. We really appreciate their help. In the refugee camp they are so desperate to see Caravan of Mercy over there because Alhamdulillah CoM is the only organisation which is on the ground in Borgop, supporting them and helping them and giving them hope to live.”
“Alhamdulillah we thank all those donors who remember them and send especially their donations through CoM and help those refugees in Borgop. It was a very frustrating trip this year. We saw a lot of things we never thought existed in even in the refugee camp. For example there is one boy we met there, by Allah, the whole day I was crying when I saw that boy. His leg is broken for 3 months, he has been sitting at home without any treatment. Without medication without any, even painkillers even Paracetamol. This boy was walking like this with a broken leg for 3 months. So we had to go to the office, UN office and shout at them and speak to them, then they managed to take action. So now we are working with Mawlana Ebrahim (head of COM) how we can support this boy to send him to hospital to get treatment. We thank all the donors and all the supporters who contribute their time their money their Du’aa (prayers). May Allah SWT give them long life, may Allah SWT give them Barakah (blessings) and may Allah SWT give those staff who work in CoM as well and ability to support because this is all that we are for.
We ourselves when we are going on the ground, Alhamdulillah we are sacrificing our time, we are taking risks to go there because even the area by itself there is no food. The area is a very risky area but we have to go there and help them for the sake of Allah SWT. So we thank everyone who contributed, may Allah reward you with good.
SSP North Ghana 2017

The Self Sustaining or Self Supporting Projects (SSP) are an important part of what Caravan of Mercy is all about. We have for many years been using your generous donations to improve the lives of families in India and Bangladesh. We have now started our humanitarian efforts in West Africa as well.
Caravan of Mercy used your donations in Northern Ghana in order to help poor widows and other single women who do not have a bred winner to support them and their families. They were given approximately £150 each as gifts, on your your behalf, so that she could start their own businesses according to the fields they were most confident in.
This lady used her money to start her dry foods selling business.
This lady purchased a fridge to store food for her business of selling drinks.
Some women where given sewing machines and cloth to earn money as a seamstress.
These women were given grain to sell.
This lady invested her money in buckets in order to sell them to the public.
This lady purchased second hand clothing to sell.
Ramadan in the Gambia 1438

Caravan of Mercy, an NGO based in the United Kingdom in collaboration with local founder in The Gambia, Pa Modou Sillah, Saturday distribution food items to needy Gambians for the holy month of Ramadan.
The food items, which included bags of rice, gallon of oils and bags of sugar, were distributed to various widows and needy Gambians.
The presentation coordinated and supervised by the local founder in The Gambia,Pa Modou Sillah, was held at the NGO’s office in Brikama, West Coast Region.
Speaking at the presentation, the local founder of Caravan of Mercy, Pa Modou Sillah, explained that the NGO was brought into the country by him when he was returning home from UK after teaching there for two years.
According to Mr Sillah, the NGO targets those who could not afford to provide three meals a day, adding that they deemed it fitting to support them in one way or the other to address their difficulties.
Mr Sillah also revealed that Caravan of Mercy also built three schools around the country and three Madrassas in SereKundanding, Kuntaur and Madina Manneh in Numi, North Bank Region.
He said the distribution of food items was part of the NGO’s annual package during the holy month of Ramadan to support the needy Gambians.
He also disclosed that two weeks ago, the NGO distributed food items to about four hundred families.
The Caravan of Mercy are providing support to three hundred and fifty families, and on each of this occasion, they give each beneficiary 25kg of rice, 4kilos of sugar,and two litre of oils.
According to Mr Sillah, the NGO started operating in The Gambia since February 2006 and has been embarking on this kind of activities annually.
He said the objective was to alleviate poverty, through education and support for widows and orphans..
The NGO have a Boarding School in Kuntaur that teach sixty orphans, who are memorising the Holy Quran free of charge, he said, adding that the NGO is supporting another thirty students who are from needy families by paying their fees.
He said in addition to the school fees, they also give each child pocket money of one hundred dalasi per month.
Mr Sillah thanked The Gambia government, through the Ministry of Education for providing the duties wavers to them when the container arrived at the seaport.
For their part, the beneficiaries expressed appreciation over the donated food items while assuring the donors that the items would be properly utilise and would reach to the rightful needy in The Gambia.
Author: Abdoulie Nyockeh
This article was taken from ‘The Point” Gambian newspaper website June 2017:
Ivory Coast Ramadhan 1438

Caravan of Mercy has been very busy this Ramadahan 1438 in delivering your food donations in West Africa. The photos below show the fruits of your generosity in the Ivory Coast during June 2017.
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Liberia blessed with both food and rain this Ramadhaan

Another successful food distribution took place in Liberia, West Africa. The distribution took place over a few days starting from 11th June 2017 in the month of Ramadhan 1438. Funds were raised in the UK by COM while the distribution was headed by brother Ibrahim of COM Ghana, West Africa.
This humanitarian work was hampered slightly by heavy rain but Ibrahim and his helpers persevered and eventually completed their task. Many food packages were distributed amongst residents in different parts of Monrovia, the capital of Liberia.
Many of the Muslims in Liberia are very poor and deprived. Unemployment is rife and large numbers of families are virtually homeless displaced by years of war. Many of the recipients were widows and orphans who were extremely grateful for the food donations. COM visted some areas where the poor and needy had never experienced aid before and were very glad to receive food to break their fast in Ramadhan.
The situation in Liberia is bad and although many people benefited this Ramadhan, after Ramadhan they will be hungry again, so please continue to give.
Aisha Siddiqqah Islamic Girls Academy construction

Aisha Siddiqqah Islamic Girls Academy (ASIGA)
School construction in Ghana, Africa. Ramadhan 1438/ 2017
The school has a number of students and teachers. Classes take place on the ground floor. Construction is taking place on the 1st floor so that more children can benefit.
By donating to this construction project you will receive continuous reward (Sadaqah Jariyah).
For more information (CLICK HERE)
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