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Masjid Abrar Update (Ghana):

‘Alhamdulillah, Masjid Abrar is the only masjid in the area where Jumu’ah Salaat is offered. Also it is the only Islamic information centre of its kind in the region if not the country where there is an after school and weekend madrassah, Islamic library etc.
At the moment there is construction going on to extend the building as we have more students on our waiting list who don’t have a place due to insufficient classrooms and on Friday the place is not big enough to contain the people that turn up for Jumu’ah Salaah.
The Islamic information centre is also actively involved in the efforts of Dawah, distribution of Quraan, Islamic literature books /leaflets etc. and other Islamic activities that will benefit the Ummah. After the construction the Masjid will be able to take about 500 or more people and there will be a Hifz class. InshAllah

This was an update from brother Ibrahim in our Caravan of Mercy office in Ghana regarding our project there.

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Quran and Dawah project

There is a great demand for Qurans for Muslims in the West African countries. The non-Muslims in Ghana put a lot of time and effort in spreading their beliefs. Caravan Of Mercy has therefore decided to act. We have printed a number of Islamic Dawah literature as well as French translated Qurans for neighbouring West African countries.  Hopefully, this initiative will help combat the falsehoods which the Muslims of Ghana are facing, inshaAllah.

We accept donations for our Print & Distribute Qur’an project.

In 2013 we printed 20,000 Qurans for West Africa. We acquired permission to print the popular translation; ‘Interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Quran’ which contain both Arabic as well as English text. The translation is by Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan. It features explanations from Sahih Al Bukhari.

The public are encouraged to donate the costs for these printed Qur’ans for those Muslims who can not afford this religious necessity. To the donor, each book costs £3.00 (a cost which will cover transport, printing and distribution).



Quran on satin


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Serrekundading, Gambia; washed out

Al Hamdulillah, Caravan of Mercy has a number of humanitarian and charitable projects in different parts of the Gambia. Such projects include child and adult education, food, clothing and Quran distribution and building projects.

Serrekundading is a village located east of Brikama next to Kembujae. Caravan of Mercy has been supporting the Serrekundading public through it’s Madressah since it was established six years ago. Sadly this Madressah has since collapsed.

The Madressah once housed 200 students from Serrekundading and surrounding villages and was the only one of it’s kind in the area.
The Madressah was made up of two classrooms, one office and a store-room, all financed and constructed by the locals with mud bricks. The roofing and doors were provided by Caravan of Mercy. The ages of the children taught there ranged from 7 to 15 years. They were tutored by 4 teachers who taught them Quran and Islamic subjects as well as English language, mathematics, science and social and environmental studies.

During the annual rain season in 2013, the region experienced such torrential rain falls that utterly destroyed the Madressah.

The locals are now desperate to have a new stronger building erected to fulfill their basic religious needs. A building that can withstand both the heat and heavy down-pours of rain.

The proposed Madressah building is estimated to cost £15,000.

Caravan of Mercy are therefore seeking donations in order to help the Gambians in Serrekundading.

Click on the video below to play video:



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Syria Aid program update

The Caravan of Mercy volunteers are all now safely back from Syria after distributing aid in the form of blankets and food etc. Because of the fighting close to the refugee camp in Atimeh where Caravan of Mercy are usually based, the volunteers were able to help the poor and needy living in extremely poor conditions on the border in Turkey.

Caravan of Mercy volunteers have been working in Syria at the Atimah (Atmeh) Olive Tree refugee. Their humanitarian efforts have been greatly reduced due to the recent fighting there. It was reported (20th January 2014) that the Babul Hawa border crossing between Turkey and Syria has been attacked. This border crossing has been essential for Caravan of Mercy’s aid program. Just 5 miles away is the refugee camp.


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Bangladesh aid update:

Sirajganj is a town in the North-Bengal region of Bangladesh. With the help of the local university; Jamiatul Uloom Al-Islamia, Caravan of Mercy are regular donors to the poor and needy in this area. Through your generous donations, we have distributed 650 blankets and installed 40 hand pumps since Ramadhan 1434 (2013).

Although Bangladesh is known for it’s problems with flooding , ie. no one can say they don’t get enough water, much of their water supply is harmful for human consumption. This means that many miles have to be walked in order to find clean water. Caravan of Mercy encourage donors to donate wells in such places for £150. Each well will support an entire community. Due to the cold temperatures during some parts of the year, we also supply blankets to families.
Due to the present political crisis in Bangladesh, we have only received 25 photos which will be used to create certificates for the donors here in the UK. The remaining certificates are  due to be created soon Inshallah.
Photo of blanket distribution from the previous year
Blanket distribution
Video of water projects in Bangladesh and other countries.
[video-item url=”” width=”400″ height=”250″][/video-item]

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Aisha Siddiqqah (RA) Islamic Girls Academy

Aisha Siddiqqa (RA) Girls Academy (ASIGA)

Ghana, famous for great minerals that lie beneath this West African country, a population which once consisted of 45% Muslims is now more like a 30% minority. So where did the Muslims go?

The simple answer is nowhere, the people remained but sadly they fell out of the fold Islam.

In 2009, Caravan of Mercy carried out a Ramadhan food distribution in Ghana. Whilst visiting the regions, the delegates were made aware of the situation of the Muslims but without a foundation established in Ghana, it was very difficult to address the very worrying situation of the Muslims of Ghana.

In 2010, a Ghanaian brother, Mahama Ibrahim, more famously known as Ibrahim Ghana, then a trustee of Caravan of Mercy, made the brave decision of moving back to the country of his birth with his wife and three young children, Ridwan, Muhammed Iqbal and Manala, after some twenty years of living in the UK. Naturally, when the news of brother Ibrahim`s decision to return to Ghana permanently came, an opportunity arose, a way of hope, the very foundation Caravan of Mercy had been waiting for.

Planning began on how to start working in Ghana. Firstly, with food distribution to the poor and needy and then the distribution of Qurans and Islamic literature. This identified the lack of Islamic knowledge amongst the Muslims, especially the sisters.

A poor girl in the school

The current situation in Ghana is as such that the students attend government  schools, where other  religious  ideologies,  beliefs and practice are enforced upon the pupils, or they attend private schools, again set up by missionaries or other religious denominations.

An intention and a worry from brother Ibrahim and the Trustees of Caravan of Mercy UK, led to the decision of establishing an all girls school, an academy dedicated to the teaching of excellent Islamic education and high level secular education for the sisters of the Ummah.

In 2011, land was purchased in the Tema area of Accra, Ghana, plans were drawn and foundations laid jointly by Molana Ebrahim:  Chairman of Caravan of Mercy, Br Ibrahim Ghana and Br Zahid,  the generous donor of the Academy. In early 2012, work began on the construction of the Academy, and   even prior to its completion, the Muslims of Ghana were waiting, eagerly anticipating the opening of the all girl’s School.

Today in late 2013, Alhamdulillah, phase one of the project is complete, and now we have the school open and running, the first of its kind and the only Islamic Girls School in the whole of Ghana and Western Africa.

Plans for expansion in early 2014, with the start of phase two, include the construction of boarding facilities and maybe more classes inshAllah.

Here lies an opportunity to become part of this unique and noble cause by donating your Lillah, Sadaqah, Zakat and Interest Money towards the Aisha Siddiqqa (RA) Girls Academy, a rare chance to help safe guard the future generations of the Ummah in Ghana.

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Ghana projects

Caravan of Mercy’s brother Munir is leaving for Ghana on the 7th December 2013. There he will oversee the Aisha Saddiqqa Academy (girls boarding school for the orphans and poor) as well as the Masjid Abraar Islamic Information Centre.

Next week the Caravan of Mercy chairman Molana Ebrahim will leave for Ghana to also oversee the projects there. Additionally he will visit neighbouring Liberia to enhance COM charitable activities there. Molana’s wife will accompany him in order give professional guidance to the staff at the girls school. She will implement the Islamic syllabus there.

aisha-april-2013 (14)

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Blankets for a Syrian Winter

Your donated blankets are being distributed as of January 21st to the Syrian refugees.

The Winter season is upon us again, making Syrian life even more difficult than it already is. Caravan of Mercy has just (13th December 20130) sent a container of clothing for men, women and children along with food. We further intend to send blankets and food later this month (December 22nd) to the Syrian refugees and other needy people in this war stricken country.

We are therefore appealing to the British public to donate at least one blanket each. Every blanket will cost the donor £10 and will be purchased near to the Syrian border.
Note: We are collecting funds only, we are not collecting blankets.
All donations need to be made before 31st December 2013.

Please also donate for food parcels at £30 per parcel.

Types of donation:
Lillah, Sadaqah, Zakaat

Ways to donate:
Phone 0116 2763344 to make a card payment.
Online card payment (click here)
Visiting our Leicester office; Unit 1, Imperial Building, Rolleston Street, Leicester, LE5 3ST
Text BLAN22 £10 to 70070 to donate a blanket. Lillah only.
Text HAMP22 £30 to 70070 to donate a food hamper. Lillah only.
(The amount of money donated by mobile phone text can be more if you choose. £10 and £30 are minImum figures).

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Return to Syria

From the blog: ‘He added that it was also difficult, “trying to locate and get to the most isolated people in this conflict.”
“The worst feeling is when, after so much distribution, the food would run out, yet people would still be queuing up waiting, almost begging for a bit of food so that they can feed their families.”’ Taken from the blog.  CLICK HERE FOR MORE

A video message from children of Syria (click on image below):

[video-item url=”” width=”400″ height=”250″][/video-item]

Atmeh camp tents (October 2013)

8th October

‘We are all well. Arrived in Reyhanli (Turkey/ Syrian border) this morning at 3.30am very tired. Got up at 10:00am and had breakfast. It is now 10:25am. We will be leaving shortly to check out a new warehouse where we can store and pack food, where it is safe.’
We are still accepting donations and Qurbani/ Udhiya payments.


COM volunteers will be visiting Syria in order to deliver your donations of food on the 7th of October 2013


5th July. The group that went to Syria, have now returned after distributing food and aid to the refugees and other impoverished Syrians. Another trip to Syria is currently being planned due to the extensive suffering endured by the people there.


24th July. Seven volunteers are planning to return to Syria. This trip is set to take place this coming Sunday (28th July 2013) in order to deliver food to the refugees there, some of whom are currently suffering from starvation. This will be our 2nd Ramadhan trip making it 3 visits this year due to the dire conditions faced by the Syrian civilians. We only have a few days to raise funds from the public in order to provide food hampers for 5,000 families.


28th June. The van reached yesterday and is due to cross the border very soon. Your kindly donated money has been used to purchase food which has been loaded onto trucks, ready to be delivered to the warehouse and then distributed to the desperate refugees.


24th June. The ambulance/van has left yesterday 23rd June. It has been loaded with medical aid, sewing machines and computers, a wheelchair, a stretcher, nappies, sanitary towels, crutches, and jerry cans. 3 volunteers are driving this van and will use your donations to purchase food for the refugees when they get to the Turkish/ Syrian border. They are due to arrive there Thursday morning.

A van is due to be sent from the UK to Syria later this month (June 2013). Three volunteers will drive the van laden with medical stuffs. The exact departure date has been scheduled for 23th June. Mechanical work is being performed on the van to make it reliable and suitable for it’s duties in Syria. The van will be used for a variety of duties including it’s role as an ambulance. Three or more charity workers from Peterborough, UK will fly to Turkey and meet the newly arrived van at the Syrian border.

For photos of last visit to Syria, Click here and here.


After a visit to Syria earlier this year by Caravan of Mercy volunteers, with a container of food, clothing, blankets and medical aid, it was decided that much more was needed. The condition of the Syrian refugees is still dire inspite of their positive spirits. A second trip has been planned very soon and at least 2 volunteers will take a van to the Atmeh refugee camp (on the Turkish/ Syrian border). The van will be filled with aid and will be left at the camp to be used as an ambulance.

For detailed reports on the last visit, see the official Caravan of Mercy blog.

To make an online donation with your credit card etc. please click here.

To make a donation by phone or to find out more, please phone 0116 2763344.


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Text donations

It is now even easier to donate to your favourite cause. We have set up a mobile phone texting method of giving donations using JustTextGiving by Vodafone.
All you do is save this special texting phone number (70070) into your phones contacts list or just type it into the text messaging (SMS) option on your mobile phone. Then type the 6 figure message code along with the donation amount and ‘send’ this message to 70070. Your donation will appear on your next phone bill and Caravan of Mercy will be paid on your behalf.
We have a different 6 figure message code for each appeal. All text donations are Lillah only. If you wish to use Zakaat or Sadaqah etc. you should use other payment methods (ie. online, phone or in person)

Text donations for the Qur’an project can be made by texting the message QRAN01 £3 to the number 70070 if you want to donate £3 using your mobile phone (lillah only). Change the amount from £3 according to your desire.
For the Syria blanket appeal, text BLAN22 £10 to 70070 (Lillah only)
For the Syria food hamper appeal, text HAMP22 £30 to 70070 (Lillah only)
For the Dawah Pack appeal, text COME11 £5 to 70070 (Lillah only)
For the Syria appeal, text COME00 £20 to 70070 (Lillah only)
To donate to any needy cause, text CRVN01 £20 to 70070 (Lillah only)
For any project according to the need decided by CoM, text LILL44 £5 to 70070 (Lillah only)

The amount of £’s you wish to donate is up to you. The above figures are just an example.
Text to donate to Caravan of Mercy and make a difference today.