What can i buy for £8???
Donate a Blanket and help keep someone warm this winter.
Last day to Donate is Friday 5th December. 17 Days Left to Donate!
www.caravanofmercy.org or call 0116 2763344
What can i buy for £8???
Donate a Blanket and help keep someone warm this winter.
Last day to Donate is Friday 5th December. 17 Days Left to Donate!
www.caravanofmercy.org or call 0116 2763344
Only 17 Days left to get your donations in for the Winter Blanket Appeal.
£8 for a blanket in Syria
£5 for a blanket in Bangladesh and West Bengal
Lillah, Sadaqah Zakat Accepted
Donate now >>
or call 0116 276 3344
Caravan Of Mercy would like to thank its donors for donating their Qurbani 2014 with us! As a result we would like to give you some numbers on our stats:
We have had 355 Animals slaughtered in Gambia,Ghana, Bangladesh, Syria and India
In Gambia 521 Families received meat
In Bangladesh more than 250 Families received Meat
And in Ghana 840 Families received meat
This is all due to your support and donations! Keep your donations coming,why not donate online on our new website!
You may also donate over the phone by calling 0116 2763344
Our Current Appeals: Winter Blankets, Eye Operations and Self Sustaining Project – for more information visit www.caravanofmercy.org
Imagine surviving the cold winter in a house with very little to keep you warm.
Donate a Blanket to keep someone warm this winter.
£8 for a Blanket in Syria
£5 for a Blanket in Bangladesh and West Bengal
Donate now >>
or call 0116 2763344
We heard this beautiful Hadeeth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and it made us think of the blanket for Syria appeal that we are running.
The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, “A Muslim is a brother of (another) Muslim, he neither wrongs him nor does hand him over to one who does him wrong. If anyone fulfills his brother’s needs, Allah will fulfill his needs; if one relieves a Muslim of his troubles, Allah will relieve his troubles on the Day of Resurrection” (Bukhari, Muslim)
Donate for a Blanket to keep someone warm this winter.
£8 for a Blanket in Syria
£5 for a Blanket in Bangladesh and West Bengal.
Donate on the right >>
Or why not call us on 0116 2763344
[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/1NbDZkYjH-0?list=UUbCcWwbz9b-C4xK9i2PZErA”]
3000 Qurans distributed In Ghana just in the last few days.
Over the weekend a large Quran distribution was conducted in Ghana.
Our team traveled to different cities and distributed the Qurans and other Islamic literature.
We even got a mention in the local media. http://www.modernghana.com/news/578487/1/caravan-of-mercy-of-ghana-distributes-quran.html
Subahanallah you can see the happiness on their faces.
The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “Everything in existence prays for the forgiveness of the person who teaches the Qur’an – even the fish in the sea.”
Missed it??? not to worry you can still donate £3.00 for a Quran to be distributed in our upcoming distributions.
To donate visit www.caravanofmercy.org
or call 0116 2763344
We received a card with a lovely message from one of our donors and supporters.
Thank you for your kind words of support and prayers.
Just a reminder that this Friday is the last day to donate towards our Blankets Appeal.
Do not miss out, donate now >>
or call 0116 2763344