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Islamic Clothing in Gambia and Liberia 2015

Islamic clothing for distribution to students in Gambia and Liberia

 What you can donate:

Men and Ladies Jubbas & Burkas
Boys & Girls Jubbas etc..

 Where you can donate:

Caravan of Mercy
Unit 1 Imperial Building,
Rolleston St, Leicester United Kingdom , LE5 3ST
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Last day to donate to the Malawi Floods Appeal.

£25 will provide a family with:
Black sheeting for shelter
Water Purification Tablets
Plastic utensils
Maize seeds

Zakaat, Sadaqah & Lillah donations accepted.

OR CALL 0116 276 3344

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#MonthlyHadith: February 2015

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said “Any Muslim who gives a Muslim a garment to wear will be in Allah’s safekeeping as long as a shred of it remains on him”. [Ahmad, Tirmidhi]

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Flash floods in Malawi leave at least 200,000+ homeless and 176 are confirmed dead

Nearly 200,000 thousand people in southern Malawi have fled their homes in the wake of huge flooding across the south of the country. A state of emergency was declared on 13 January in fifteen Malawian districts affected by severe flooding.

Powerful winds and rain in recent weeks led to towns and villages being submerged across 15 districts of Malawi. The southern districts of Nsanje, Chikwawa, Phalombe and Zomba are the hardest hit.

Many displaced people are in urgent need of essential items including blankets and food packs. The full scale of the disaster is yet to emerge, as affected communities are still cut off and families continue to await rescue.

Caravan of Mercy have launched an emergency appeal to support hungry and homeless families in Malawi.

£25 will provide a family with:

  • Blankets
  • Black sheeting for shelter
  • Flour
  • Water Purification Tablets
  • Plastic utensils
  • Maize seeds

Donate your Zakat, Sadaqah and Lillah and help our brothers and sisters in southern Africa

Donate now >>

or call 0116 276 3344 (lines open 9am – 6pm and 10am – 6pm sat)


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#DrinkSafeWater Appeal 2015



Drink Safe Water Appeal

Caravan of Mercy have launched an appeal to install 10 deep tube wells in West Bengal.
Caravan of Mercy aims to provide safe and clean drinking water to those areas that are most in need.

One of the most common causes of death in the developing world is drinking dirty and diseased water.
Without access to clean water communities are more vulnerable to illness and diseases. In West Bengal pure water is very difficult to find as water can be contaminated by sewage discharge and floods.

The prophet (Peace be upon him) was asked which is the best form of charity?

He (Peace be upon him)replied “Providing drinking water”. (Sunan Abi Dawood)

The cost of 1 Deep Tube well is £1200.00

Donating towards our water projects is a great way to gain Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing rewards)

Donate >>

or call 0116 2763344


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Blanket Distribution at Atmeh Camp, Syria

Blanket Distribution at Atmeh Camp, Syria

Some of the conditions the Syrian refugees have to live in is beyond our imagination.
They were forced to leave their homes and adapt to life without basic needs to keep them warm and safe.
Some of the Duas (prayers) the Syrian refugees give is very moving.

You can still donate towards the blanket appeal >>
or call 0116 2763344


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