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Ghana Project & Aid Distribution Trip: Aid Distribution (Day 5)

[su_tabs][su_tab title=”Ghana Project & Aid Distribution Trip“]Our chairman Molana Ebrahim Patel, our projects coordinator Molana Sameer Ismail and a volunteer are in Ghana. They will be overseeing all our projects in the country. They will also be carrying out a distribution of aid in northern Ghana.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
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Aid Distribution (Day 5) – 09 March 2015


Today was going to be a very long day. We had to distribute aid to the widows and poor women of Salaga.
We started the day by visiting the paramount chief as we need to meet them before working in their area. We then went to meet all the widows and also the poor needy and interviewed a few of them.
The ladies sat in the scorching heat for hours with the hope that they will receive some aid. It reminded me a lot of how it will be on the day of judgement where people will anxiously wait for their turn. The items we were going to distribute were delayed from Tamaleh and will be arriving after Asar. While we were with the widows Molana Ebrahim also went and checked the water dams in the area.

After Zuhar we finished off the final allocations for Salaga. After Asar we went to the distribution point so that we could begin the distribution. The distribution went on till appropriately 8:00 pm. Alhamdolillah the turn out was very good. We then came back to the guest house where we did some paperwork before taking rest.

We have another long day tomorrow as we intend to do more distribution in Salaga and also Gushegu.

Sameer Ismail

Projects Coordinator

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Ghana Project & Aid Distribution Trip: I have never seen anyone drink water that dirty (Day 4)

[su_tabs][su_tab title=”Ghana Project & Aid Distribution Trip“]Our chairman Molana Ebrahim Patel, our projects coordinator Molana Sameer Ismail and a volunteer are in Ghana. They will be overseeing all our projects in the country. They will also be carrying out a distribution of aid in northern Ghana.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
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I Have Never Seen Anyone Drink Water That Dirty (Day 4) – 08 March 2015


Its been a very long day today and Alhamdolillah a productive day.

We woke up at 4.30 am and read Fajr salaah. We were meant to leave the hotel at 5:00 am but the driver came late, so we used the extra time to plan the day further. We set off for an area called Gushego at approximately 6:30 am. On the way to Gushego me and brother Saleh worked on the SSP projects and the numbers that needed to be distributed.

About 20 minutes before we reached Gushego we saw a very large dam in an area called Karaga (aprox 82 km from Tamaleh). We saw young children walking and filling their buckets to take the water back home. We asked a few people about the water and they said that they are forced to come to the dam as the pipe lines to their homes only come on a few times a month, even that just for a few hours. In Karaga the people that can afford it pay 1.5 cedes for someone on a donkey cart to bring them a large drum of water. Some people pay 2 cedes for someone on a rickshaw to bring them water.

We eventually arrived in Gushego (approx 108km from Tamaleh). We first went to the police station as brother Ibrahim had agreed with them that he will inform them when we arrive. We then went to the school where the widows had gathered. We were welcomed by the chief of the village. Molana Ebrahim gave a brief talk, and we arranged with the locals that we will InshaAllah be back on Tuesday to make the distribution. We also had the chance to view a dried out dam in the town of Gushego. The locals here have access to approx 3 boreholes but the water it produces is not the best. In Gushego I was advised there are approx 10 to 13 thousand people that live in this town. They have approximately 20 Masjids.

We then started on a very long journey to Salaga where we intend to do a distribution tomorrow. On the way to Salaga every town we passed we checked to see if we could see a Masjid for Zuhar salaah, but unfortunately we couldn’t see any as they were probably more deeper in the town. In comparison to this we saw a church on the main road of nearly every town. Brother Ibrahim advised us that even if there is 1 Christian in a town they will ensure that a church is built so that 1 Christian can make effort on the rest of the people.

We eventually saw a Masjid in the town of Bimbila (233 km from Tamaleh). It was a town that gave us all much needed hope as there was a very active Muslim community especially the youngsters. While doing wudhu and reading salaah we could hear taleem of fazail Amaal, and also hear muzakarah taking place. After salaah Molana Ebrahim spoke to the locals for approximately 20 minutes.

We continued with our journey to Salaga until we were stopped when we saw little boys carrying a bucket of water in an area called Sagon no 1 (260km from Tamaleh). The water that they had filled up was really muddy. The locals told us they use this water for everything. We found it hard to believe that someone could drink water that dirty, so they actually drank it in front of us to show us. We decided to go to the actual dam where they filled this water. The dam is nearly all dry. I have never seen anyone drink water that dirty. A girl called Abigal advised us that the locals of the surrounding 10 -15 villages have no choice but to use this water as they can’t afford to buy clean water. Molana Ebrahim distributed sweets to the kids in Sagon 1. The kids were very happy. After leaving Sagon 1 we were all in shock and couldn’t believe what we had witnessed. Molana Ebrahim informed brother Ibrahim to send costings etc for a borehole in Sagon 1 ASAP. How can someone have a shower in mud water, it is only going to make them more dirty, unfortunately the locals here are forced to drink it.

We eventually got to Salaga at Magrib time, brother Ibrahim’s friend Al Hasan had cooked us a much needed hot meal. We then sat till approx 10.00 pm finalising a few order details for the SSP project before getting much needed rest.

Sameer Ismail

Projects Coordinator

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Ghana Project & Aid Distribution Trip: Hard Work, Sweat and Tears (Day 3)

[su_tabs][su_tab title=”Ghana Project & Aid Distribution Trip“]Our chairman Molana Ebrahim Patel, our projects coordinator Molana Sameer Ismail and a volunteer are in Ghana. They will be overseeing all our projects in the country. They will also be carrying out a distribution of aid in northern Ghana.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
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Hard Work, Sweat and Tears  (Day 3) – 07 March 2015


If I could describe today in a few words it would be “hard work, sweat and tears”

Today we had a very early start as we were flying to Tamale which is in Northern Ghana. We arrived at Tamale about an hour late as the flight was delayed. The flight being delayed gave us a chance to plan the SSP further. Brother Ibrahim had arranged a driver with 2 helpers to pick us up from the airport and spend the whole day with us. We first went and found a hotel so we could leave our luggage there. After dropping our stuff at the hotel we spent the whole day going to different shops, wholesalers, market places etc. We wanted to find the best prices so that we could purchase more things to make the donations go further. We placed an order for sewing machines, fridges and freezers (women can sell water and cold drinks).

When finalising the order for the fridge, freezer etc me, Molana Ebrahim and brother Ibrahim went into another room so the money and paperwork was done correctly. I realised that Molana Ebrahim was very particular about checking all the figure’s, MashaAllah I feel he negotiated the best price possible, with free delivery. Alhamdolillah got to learn and watch Molana Ebrahim negotiating etc.

By the time we had finished from the purchasing it was Magrib time, we were all tired, sweaty and very hungry as we hadn’t eaten since last night. We went and had some local Ghanian food before heading back to the hotel. In the hotel we had a lot of work to do, we had to finalise how much and what needs to be distributed in certain villages. While we were doing the work in the office brother Ibrahim and a local brother by the name of Yahya told us many stories of the condition of the Muslims in Northern Ghana, especially for the women.

In most families women have to earn and run the house, we realised this as we saw many women in the market place. We were also informed that many women have moved to Accra and are forced to do jobs that only earn them 3 cedis a day (less then a pound). Brother Ibrahim Alhamdolillah managed to send 3 northern women back to Tamaleh from Accra. Many women are even forced to resort to prostitution. A very sad state of affairs which bought tears to my eyes.

In the hotel we are staying in their is a Muslim wedding taking place and Wallahi it is exactly like a Christian wedding with a best man, bridesmaid, champagne, singing, dancing etc. A lot of work and effort really needs to be done as the Muslims here in Ghana are very far from deen. Brother Ibrahim informed me that Abdullahi’s (the contractor) wife 2 weeks a ago became murtad and left him, she has also abandoned her children, she told Abdullahi “I can no longer practice Islam”.

Today has been by far the hardest day so far but I probably absorbed the most amount of things today too.

On a final note brother Ibrahim mentioned a project about providing water sachets to Masjids in the month of Ramadhan, the sachets will have the Caravan of Mercy logo on it. (We made a good contact for this today) InshaAllah he will send a project proposal for this.

Sameer Ismail

Projects Coordinator

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Ghana Project & Aid Distribution Trip: Imagine how many more people there are like this?


This is a sister (37 years old) who out of desperation tracked us to our guest house. She has 7 children. One of her daughters has disabilities. She pleaded with us to help her. The day brother Ibrahim came to this town to do the survey she was in hospital with her daughter. Imagine how many more people there are like this? Allah help them.

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Ghana Project & Aid Distribution Trip: Preparation and planning (Day 2)

[su_tabs][su_tab title=”Ghana Project & Aid Distribution Trip“]Our chairman Molana Ebrahim Patel, our projects coordinator Molana Sameer Ismail and a volunteer are in Ghana. They will be overseeing all our projects in the country. They will also be carrying out a distribution of aid in northern Ghana.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
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Preparation and planning (Day 2) – 06 March 2015


Today the day started by me waking up to the Adhan for salaatul Fajr. After Fajr we had a brief consultation where it was decided we will get a bit more rest as we had a lot to do during the day. We gathered for consultation again at 9am. Brother Ibrahim told us about Tamale and the SSP project. We quickly Realised that the task ahead was great and it would require us to be very organised.

One point that brother Ibrahim mentioned that really touched me was when he went to Tamale to do the ground work for the SSP he met a lady that wanted to brew alcohol.  Brother Ibrahim advised her that this is forbidden in Islam, and she replied “I didn’t know alcohol is haraam”. A lot of work really needs to be done in Ghana.

Brother Faiz joined us in the consultation at 10.30 am. At 11 am me and Faiz went into the office so we could discuss Asiga in more detail while Molana Ebrahim, Saleh Bhai and brother Ibrahim started making a log for the SSP distribution and what would need to be purchased.

While I was with Faiz I realised that he is a very educated man and has a passion for teaching.  Some of the things that we discussed were
1) Sponsored students and their full profile so I can create a report for the donors
2) Fee paying students and details of fees
3) Communication problem as we hardly have any contact with Faiz
4) Challenges he is facing at Asiga (road is bad, water issue, Internet issue)
5) Things I need from him to make the sponsorship of students work

Molana Ebrahim advised Faiz that what ever issues you are facing to give in writing so we can address them.

Jummah time Molana Ebrahim instructed me to give the talk, Khutbah and lead the Salaah.  After Salaah Molana Ebrahim gave a 20 minutes talk that everyone sat for and the response seemed good ( I have Molana Ebrahim bayaan recorded I will upload when I return)

After jummah we met brother Jirji, the Imaam and also bother Abdulahi (the contractor).

We held a quick consultation and we decided to depart for Tamale in the morning via air as it is more safer and quicker. Me and brother Ibrahim went to the airport to book our tickets, on the way we discussed many things like Asiga, the SSP in Tamale etc. On the way back to Masjid Abrar we stopped at an area when they sell goats. The price of a goat is 250 cedi (£50). Brother Ibrahim advised 1 goat can feed 10 widow families. (Possible new marketing way for our animal Sadaqah project ” feed a widow”) approx 2 goats can feed the students in Asiga.

We got back to Masjid Abrar where we ate and continued work preparing for the SSP. While going through the SSP applications Molana Ebrahim came across a man who was over 100 years old but due to his poverty wanted financial aid. Another thing we noticed while going through the SSP applications was that in some areas like Cheriponi their is a very large number of widows.

We have to leave for the airport at 4am so we need to get as much sleep as possible before the start of another day.

Sameer Ismail

Projects Coordinator

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Ghana Project & Aid Distribution Trip: Arrival in Ghana (Day 1)

[su_tabs][su_tab title=”Ghana Project & Aid Distribution Trip“]Our chairman Molana Ebrahim Patel, our projects coordinator Molana Sameer Ismail and a volunteer are in Ghana. They will be overseeing all our projects in the country. They will also be carrying out a distribution of aid in northern Ghana.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
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Arrival in Ghana (Day 1) – 05 March 2015


When walking out of the plane the first thing that hits you is the heat, Molana Ebrahim says this is Africa and in Africa “you will learn patience”.

We were welcomed at the airport by Brother Ibrahim and 2 of his neighbors. While walking to the car Molana Ebrahim told me that the 2 neighbors were new Muslims but their father is still not on Imaan, to my astonishment Br Ibrahim said “Alhamdolillah their father has also now accepted Islam”. The good work that Brother Ibrahim is doing is already visible. While driving to Masjid Abrar which is about 30 min drive away I saw many billboards and schools propagating the Christian faith, I was advised that the Christians are much more active than the Muslims even though the Muslims out number the Christians.

We got to Masjid Abrar, settled ourselves in, ate some food and took some rest as we have a very long day tomorrow.

This is my first field trip with Caravan of Mercy, and first time traveling with Molana Ebrahim and one thing that has been visible from the moment that we left home is his passion for Dawat and for the work Caravan of Mercy is doing. I don’t think there was a single person who he spoke to and he didn’t mention Caravan of Mercy or Islam. While in Ghana every person he spoke to at the airport or on the way to Masjid Abrar I noticed he gave them some sought of dawat, even if it was just a few words.

Tomorrow in Ghana is independence day so many places will be shut, but either way we will have a lot of work to do.

I will try to send these reports as often as possible, depending on electricity and internet connection.

Sameer Ismail

Projects Coordinator

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World Water Day 2015

Water is an essential of life, yet 783 millions people around the world still don’t have access to clean water and almost 2.5 billion do not have access to adequate sanitation. One of the most common causes of death in the developing world is drinking dirty and diseased water. Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation causes 80% of diseases and kills more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.

Over 500,000 children die every year from diarrhoea caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation.

In the countries we work, the poor and needy have to sometimes walk between 5 and 20 KM to get access to water.

Caravan of Mercy aims to play an active part in trying to provide safe clean water around the world. We aim to achieve this by installing hand pumps and boreholes in those areas that are most in need.

With your donations we have already installed more than 850 hand pumps and boreholes in Africa and Asia.

Will YOU make a change on this years World Water Day 2015?

You can help by donating towards our #DrinkSafeWater Appeal.

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#MonthlyHadith: March 2015

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, “A Muslim is a brother of (another) Muslim, he neither wrongs him nor does hand him over to one who does him wrong. If anyone fulfils his brother’s needs, Allah will fulfil his needs; if one relieves a Muslim of his troubles, Allah will relieve his troubles on the Day of Resurrection” (Bukhari, Muslim)


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Do you have unwanted Islamic clothing?

Do you have unwanted Islamic clothing?

Make a change this 2015 and donate your Islamic clothing to the Gambian & Liberian students.

 What you can donate:

Men and Ladies Jubbas & Burkas
Boys & Girls Jubbas etc..

 Where you can donate:

Caravan of Mercy
Unit 1 Imperial Building,
Rolleston St, Leicester United Kingdom , LE5 3ST
Please note: ONLY clothing can be donated towards this appeal.