During 2022, Pakistan suffered its most devastating monsoon rainfalls causing severe flooding throughout the country. The province of Sindh was amongst the worse affected with millions becoming homeless. Many didn’t just lose their homes and belongings, they also lost their jobs and their animals also perished along with many public institutions such as schools and hospitals suffering from damage.
Local humanitarian agencies reached out and in March 2023, Caravan of Mercy and its donors were able to contribute towards providing relief to just 500 families. Together, we were able to provide food packs made up of; flour, pulses, rice, sugar, chickpea flour, drink syrup, cooking oil, salt and tea. This small but greatly beneficial kindness was possible only due to £6,000 that we received from our generous supporters.
Our partners in Sindh faced many challenges in distributing your aid including the problem of water logged roads which meant more trips using small cars instead of big trucks. Another major problem was that local businesses were wiped out, meaning food stuffs had to be purchased from alternative more distant places in order to feed the 2,000 children and their families.