Madressa Zenatul Islam, Wharf Town, Kuntaur, Central River Division, The Gambia. Built and funded by Caravan of Mercy. It presently caters for 500 day students as well as 60 boarding. The school needs funding to employ more teachers and to construct more classrooms. Presently we have the younger children (primary) attend school in the morning while the older children (secondary) come in the afternoon. With more facilities, we could have all the children attending school at the same time so please help.
Our other Gambia schools are also located in North Bank region and West Coast. We are looking to open additional schools in Lower River division, Upper River division and West coast division.
Madrassah Ashraful Madaris Hifz is a another COM project located on the site of Madressa Zenatul Islam, Wharf Town, the Gambia.
Kids learn Quran and do Hifdhul Quran (memorise the whole Quran normally within a few years). Two teachers from India have recently been contracted by COM to work here along-side three local teachers. 60 boarding students (boys) are presently doing Hifdhul Quran, of which all are poor and needy while half are orphans.
COM offer student sponsor schemes for those who want to share the rewards for making a child become a Hafidh.