There is a great demand for Qurans for Muslims in the West African countries. The non-Muslims in Ghana put a lot of time and effort in spreading their beliefs. Caravan Of Mercy has therefore decided to act. We have printed a number of Islamic Dawah literature as well as French translated Qurans for neighbouring West African countries. Hopefully, this initiative will help combat the falsehoods which the Muslims of Ghana are facing, inshaAllah.
We accept donations for our Print & Distribute Qur’an project.
In 2013 we printed 20,000 Qurans for West Africa. We acquired permission to print the popular translation; ‘Interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Quran’ which contain both Arabic as well as English text. The translation is by Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan. It features explanations from Sahih Al Bukhari.
The public are encouraged to donate the costs for these printed Qur’ans for those Muslims who can not afford this religious necessity. To the donor, each book costs £3.00 (a cost which will cover transport, printing and distribution).